If you’ve just found out you’re going to be a parent, you might be feeling excited, a bit nervous, or maybe both at the same time. From what to eat to how to sleep, we’ve got practical suggestions from parents who’ve done it all before, along with advice from health experts to guide you through your pregnancy journey and help you and baby stay healthy.

Planning a pregnancy

Deciding to start a family, or grow the family you already have, is exciting – but trying for a baby can be a big change in your life, especially if, up until now, you’ve been making sure you don’t get pregnant! It may take you a while to conceive, or it may happen as soon as you start trying – so it’s a good idea to be as prepared as you can.

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Pregnancy tips

During your pregnancy it's normal to have lots of different feelings. For some months you might be feeling quite sick and in others you might feel very happy or even very sad. Every parent has been through this before, so we've asked them for their top pregnancy tips to help make your life that bit easier.

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Labour and birth

After a long 40 weeks or so, the time has finally come to meet your new baby. If you’re feeling a bit wobbly about it, don’t worry – we’ve all been there, and we’re here to share all the useful stuff we’ve learned through experience. It’s completely normal to feel a little scared, but just remember there’s lots of help around you.

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Getting through the first few weeks

There’s a lot to think about with your new arrival – and it can feel a bit daunting. But you’ll have lots of support from your midwife and health visitor when you bring your baby home. We’re also here with handy hints and advice to help you make the most of every minute… or just survive it!

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Wellbeing during pregnancy

If you or your partner are expecting a baby you may feel overwhelmed by all the advice and information you’re given. But the most important thing is simply to look after yourself! Here you’ll find tips and advice to help you and your partner keep as healthy and happy as you can.

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When a baby dies after 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is known as a stillbirth. Sadly, 4 babies a week are stillborn in Scotland and it’s a truly devastating event for any family to go through. Sometimes we don’t know the cause, but we do know that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of stillbirth. This section explains more.

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Wellbeing for new parents

Those first few days at home with your baby will probably be a bit of a blur – a non-stop mix of nappies, night feeds, nerves and new experiences. It’s an exciting time, but you might feel tired, emotional and even a little weepy. Remember, it’s baby steps for the whole family! But you're not alone – there's lots of support available.

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