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Things are tough just now. That’s why the Money Talk Team are here. They can help you find out what benefits you may be entitled to and how to save money on household bills. They can also advise on debt and other financial support available to families in Scotland. As well as providing online advice on the Money Talk Team website, they can also be reached by phone on 0800 028 1456 or via their chatbot. Or you can visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau for in person support.

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Who are the Money Talk Team?

We all know that being a parent can cost a lot of money. If you’re struggling to make your money last to the end of the week or month or you’re worried about how you’ll pay your bills or manage your debts, you’re definitely not alone.

That’s why the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland are offering families the opportunity to get a little help from the Money Talk Team. It’s nothing scary, just a chat with their friendly advisers to see what you might be entitled to, and advice to help you make the most of your money. They’ll check whether you’re getting as much income as you possibly could, and help find ways that you could pay out less each month, like: 

  • ways you might be able to save cash
  • claiming benefits you might not know you’re entitled to
  • grants or exemptions you may be entitled to
  • ways to manage debt.

If you have any money worries, or if you’re in debt and you want some advice, the Money Talk Team can help you find the best way forward.

The Money Talk Team is funded by the Scottish Government.

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In this short video, Money Talk Team Advisor Jamie Martin from Pollok in Glasgow, explains how his organisation can provide free money and debt advice to help families maximise their income.

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Who can access the Money Talk Team?

Anyone. You can go online at, talk to the team on the phone, chat with their virtual assistant or set up a meeting to pop in to your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

There are lots of different grants, benefits and exemptions for parents across Scotland and we want to make sure you are making the most of them. So, no matter whether you have a small or large family, a new family, a single parent family, or are a parent of a child with disabilities – there could be something to help you.

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How do I get in touch?

It’s free, easy and confidential to call the Money Talk Team. You can access online advice at or call the freephone number 0800 028 1456 for a chat. You can also talk to their virtual assistant, or pop in to your local Citizens Advice Bureau

You can find out more about contacting the Money Talk Team here.

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Some common questions

What money issues can an adviser help me with?

Our advisers can help with:

  • Accessing benefits at any stage in your application process – whether you need support finding out what you may be entitled to, all the way through to support challenging decisions you disagree with
  • Your debts – from initial assessments of your debts all the way to support you with statutory debt remedies
  • Looking at your income and expenditure and discuss where else your income could be maximised or where your outgoings could be reduced, through accessing available adjustments such as re-negotiating debt repayments or applying for council tax reduction.
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How long does it take?

This depends on the issues you want advice on, so it’s hard to say how long it will take. If you can't find what you're looking for online, you can arrange for an adviser to call you back.

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Do I need to have any bills or bank statements ready?

The more information you have to hand the better. This will help you get the advice you need online or provide an adviser with your full circumstances.

It's useful if you know what your household income is, including any benefits you are already receiving. It’s also helpful if you know what you’re spending on utilities (gas, electricity, mobile phones, broadband etc).

Our page of tips for applying for benefits has a list of the information you may need, but don’t worry if you don’t have all the information, the adviser will still be able to help you.

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Will I need to have a credit check?

This will depend on what advice you are looking to access. For benefits and income maximisation advice, you will not need a credit score check. However, if you're dealing with debts, your adviser may advise you about a circumstance where a credit score check may be needed.

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What happens if I should be claiming any benefits/grants/entitlements?

You can make a claim or an adviser can help you with this.

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Do I get to backdate any benefits/grants/entitlements I am owed?

There are specific rules about back dated payment of benefit entitlement and limits about how far claims can be back dated. Your adviser will explain what the rules are for your particular circumstances.

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Will benefits be taken away from me?

Your adviser can't take any benefits away from you, but they'll let you know if it appears that you're getting something which doesn't correspond with the information you provide about your household circumstances and discuss what this means for you.

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Can the Money Talk Team help me with Universal Credit?

Yes, the Money Talk Team are here to help you work out the best way to get the most amount of money for your family.

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Who are the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland?

The Money Talk Team service is provided by the Citizens' Advice Network in Scotland, which provides independent, free and confidential advice. It is made up of Citizens Advice Scotland and the network of Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) across Scotland.

Citizen Advice Bureaux has a long history of giving high quality, free, non-judgemental, confidential, independent advice.

They aim to connect you with an adviser who has experience of helping people in similar situations to you. They do this by having an initial call to find out more, and then connect you with either a generalist or specialist adviser.

All their advisers are highly skilled and undergo many hours of training, whether paid or volunteers. They also have robust quality assurance and auditing processes in place, to ensure our advice quality is constantly reviewed and maintained.

If you prefer to get help in person, you can talk to someone face to face at your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). You can find your nearest CAB on the Citizens Advice Scotland website.

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What parents are saying about the Money Talk Team

“Without your help I would have struggled a lot and been really stressed… The information we got was the best and boosted my confidence.” 

“Fast service and advice given, gave me confidence to apply for benefits.”

“Thank you for all your help, I could not have filled in the form myself and we have now gotten the allowance”.

“Thanks to my local [Citizens Advice] bureau, myself and my partner are now receiving our correct benefit payments which has helped us tremendously through the most difficult time of our lives.”

“My everyday life has been made so much easier going forward thanks to the advisor helping me claim the correct benefits.”

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